4 Surprising Health Benefits of Smiling
March 15, 2021

For such a common, natural gesture, smiling comes with several benefits aside from simply letting others know that you’re in a good mood. However, it can be difficult to find a reason to show off those pearly whites if they suffer from stains, chips, gaps, or other imperfections. Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help you enjoy the benefits of smiling. Read on to learn four ways that flashing your grin can improve your health – and how your dentist can give you a smile you can be proud of!
(more…)Do I Need Immediate Dental Care for My Tooth Pain?
February 17, 2021

Tooth pain can vary in intensity, with some situations being so acute that patients have no choice but to seek immediate dental treatment. Does this mean that mild tooth discomfort is okay to ignore? Continue reading to find out whether you should seek emergency dental care for all forms of tooth pain.
(more…)Why Do I Always Have a Bad Taste in My Mouth?
January 28, 2021

Does it ever feel like you constantly have a bitter taste in your mouth? This may be a normal reaction to eating foods that are pungent or sour. However, if the feeling persists or happens out of nowhere, it could indicate a concerning oral health problem. Here are some of the possible answers to the question, “Why do I always have a bad taste in my mouth?” as well as some advice on how to remedy the situation.
(more…)4 Strange Dental Emergencies
January 22, 2021
Did you know 1 in 6 Americans have a dental emergency each year? Knocked-out teeth, chips, and dental abscesses are the most common issues that require urgent attention; however, they aren’t the only problems dentists treat. In fact, some situations can be downright strange. Here are 4 of the weirdest dental emergencies that have caught people off guard.
Common Signs Your Child Needs a Frenectomy
November 24, 2020

Is your little one having difficulty breastfeeding? Do they have a shallow latch and do not seem to be gaining weight? Is your child having a hard time forming certain words? Do they appear to feel self-conscious when talking to others? These signs can be attributed to a lip or tongue-tie that inhibits their ability to speak clearly and eat successfully. While not all signs are easily spotted by parents, a local dentist shares which symptoms to watch for that point to your child needing a frenectomy.
(more…)Want to Save Money? 4 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist!
October 13, 2020

Right now, everyone is looking for ways to save money. If you’re looking to bulk up your savings, you probably already know to start by cutting back on unnecessary expenses. As you’re determining what you can do without, don’t try to save money by canceling your dental checkups and cleanings! Even if your teeth look and feel fine, these simple visits can save you a substantial amount of money and time in the long run. Here are four ways dental checkups benefit both your smile and your wallet!
(more…)Need a Filling? Now You Can Skip the Anesthesia
September 26, 2020

When your dentist informs you that you have a cavity, you might automatically begin to dread the filling process. If you’re like most patients, you hate the idea of feeling a pinch as the dental team numbs your mouth. Then, you have to wait for what seems like forever while the numbing agent takes effect. Even worse, you may have to deal with lingering numbness in your mouth for hours after your appointment. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could receive fillings without pain and without anesthesia? Thanks to the Solea dental laser, anesthesia-free fillings are now possible. Let’s discuss how this technology could change the way you view dental procedures.
(more…)Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?
August 17, 2020

When you get a missing tooth replaced with a dental implant, your dentist will restore it with a dental crown that looks exactly like the tooth you lost. People shouldn’t even be able to tell the difference between your implant and the rest of your pearly whites. While dental implants might look natural, do they feel natural too? Keep reading below to find out.
(more…)How Safe Are Dental Implants?
July 17, 2020

If you’re missing even one tooth, it can cause the health of your entire mouth to go out of whack. That’s why your dentist recommends getting missing teeth replaced as soon as possible. The solution that offers the most benefits by far is dental implants. After all, they’re the sturdiest and longest-lasting option. But just how safe are they? Let’s take a closer look at what exactly dental implants are, what risks they can pose, and whether they’re worth it in the end.
(more…)A Letter From Dr. Nguyen
June 30, 2020
Harris County, encompassing Pasadena, Texas, was placed on Level 1 – Red Alert on Friday 06/26/2020.
Level 1: Stay Home (Current Level)
Level one signifies a severe and uncontrolled level of COVID-19 in Harris County, meaning outbreaks are present and worsening and that testing and contact tracing capacity is strained or exceeded. At this level, residents take action to minimize contacts with others wherever possible and avoid leaving home except for the most essential needs like going to the grocery store for food and medicine.
In respect to all peoples and out-of-respect for public safety, Town Square Dental is closed, effective immediately, until the Threat Level is lowered to Level 2. We will see Dental Emergencies, by appointment only, please call 713-927-6278.
Huy Nguyen, DDS